What will the World lose if you die today ?

Strange title isn’t it ??? 

Take a movement and ask yourself this question. If I die today what the world will lose? Do you think that it will lose something precious? Do you think that there will be any unfavorable effect on the society, you not being here? Do you think humanity will have any adverse effect on it ? 

Let us do an exercise. Take a deep breath and go in a meditative state. Now, let the inner you look at the external you and give permission to your inner self to talk to you in a free and non-judgmental manner. 

What kind of a Man/Woman am I? 

For those of who I know, do they really want me to be alive?  How is my behavior towards my lovable ones and people around me? If my family looses me today what will they miss on ? Will they be happy? A destructive, cranky and moody person has gone and now they can be at peace. Or will they be sad thinking a man/woman with wise, kind, fruitful heart left us? 

People with whom I work, what will they think? Will they think that they lost a leader who possessed many titles and who always believed in his team rather than fetching all credit to himself ? Or will they be happy as  they are relieved thinking that now we can work as a team while a toxic individual who’s work ethics were based on Divide and Rule has passed away.  At last what will my mother earth think about me ? Who was I ? A Blessing ? Or Curse ?

Do not be judgmental with your answers. We all are humans and we learn everything from our surroundings and observation. 

The best part of your life today is at this very movement you are alive and you are reading this article. It means you got another chance to turn yourself into a blessing for everyone including Yourself.  

Our intention behind writing this appealing article is to make each of you understand that each one of us possess the beauty and magic within us. And we don’t want any human to leave this earth without testing one's full capacity and contribution to the world.  

Remember my friend if you choose to settle for a mediocre life where majority of people are living that life and this world has most of them. 
If you let that inner You die within you.........

 This world might lose writers who can make you realize the beauty of life and love, those who possess so much power in their words that they make a huge impact on your life.

Those painters who can catch your attention by portraying their heart into it.

Those directors, actors and dancers who take you into a different world and there is an endless list of all those artist who make our lives vibrant by their work.

If You are alive today this one is for you…..

Be a human in real sense and let your temporary presence be a blessing to human kind and for mother earth by using her valuable resources wisely.

Let your eyes reflect love, kindness, compassion and empathy. Let it act as a window for your soul and let that beauty of your heart mirror your eyes.

Let your lips open to bless someone or let it move when you have an intention to spread positive energy, productivity and prosperity.

Limit the your consumption of entertainment as it is a mode of self-destruction which will force you to settle for an ordinary life.

Meet yourself and realize your potential to stand different from the crowd. 


This is our humble attempt to make you realize your self-worth. We want you to shift your attention from this fearful situation to yourself. 

We don’t want that you should crawl towards death but to live in this present movement, with belief and a strong trust that there is going to be rise of  a wonderful and victorious day, where we all leave our homes to breath the clean air gifted by our mother earth without masks, we are going to shake hands and hug our people without the fear of getting infected. We are going to work in such a way where our bosses consider us as their valuable asset. 

“Let the world know if they lose you they will lose something very precious, valuable and gracious which can rarely be replaced by anyone.”

Thank you for your valuable time.
With Love,
Himanshu (your Rabbi) along with the Love of my life Pauline. 


  1. Yes really amazing article. Death is the fact of our life. But everybody is fearful about it. One marathi song is Jan pal bhar mhanatil kay kay mi jata Rahil Kay Kay...but after reading your article live life just as today is my last day and again one marathi song is denarane det jawe ghenarane ghet jawe gheta gheta ek diwas denarache hat ghyawe. ...live just as everybody said that yes he or she was good in all aspects of life. Jigarbaj Lekh....Congratulations.keep it up.

    1. My Dear Mother thank you being the first one to share your valuable comments on our blog. We appreciate it.


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