Life and Death only truths about your life.

Birth and Death are the only two truths about YOU. We would say it is a journey you begin from one end to another.

Birth and Humans

Human birth is considered as a blessing and from there starts beauty and misery. Once a human is born it needs identity, status and the list of wants which are never ending until it ends in itself. The human which is born tries to fit in some profile set by the world that includes attending school, perusing higher education, hunting down jobs, searching for a suitable partner, building massive mansions and so on.

In short everyone wants “THE LIFE” nobody wants to settle for less neither any kind of ordinary life. 

Now give a thought on those attributes we have mentioned above that is Education, Job, Partner and Mansion is that enough to make your life, THE LIFE ?  

How do YOU make your living?

We all are expected to earn our livings. Well! We would say we all have to make money as we are supposed to shift from the state of dependence to independence and again of dependence . For that we choose diverse mediums. In a sophisticated language we call it profession. In short we all are trained to opt for the best profession we can.

Now how to do you perform while making your living? 
Do you act indispensable? Does it leaves a classy mark on others around you ? 

Let's elaborate. If you are a doctor then do you heal or kill ?
If a teacher do you merely teach the subject or build a future generation through your teaching? Are you an entrepreneur or a business person? 

As Jack Ma says “Entrepreneur is an individual who has intention to serve and make something for humans, to make their life easy and comfortable, whereas a business individual is that person whose full attention is on making money no matter what is the mode of it.” 

Considering today’s scenario we all are well verse with the answers.... 

Purpose of Your Life 

What is the purpose of your life? My friend purpose is way different from aims and goals. Purpose is a wider concept as it is a selfless act where as aim is something which is narrower as it is limited to an individual. We will write an independent article on “PURPOSE”.   

But for now we want your full attention.....

You will rarely come across individuals who are different from the crowd, performing their duties in an epic manner where as others are always busy combating their problems by getting work at home and taking home to work. How these courageous individuals can act different ?

Because they have the intention to serve and help human kind. They are looking forward to create some values to their and other's lives too. They have self-less intention to share their wisdom with everyone around them so they also can grow.
On the other hand common man’s eye balls always try to search only one thing that is What is there for ME?” If they could see anything for themselves only then they will act with generosity.

Well after studying these above individuals. Ask a question to yourself that is  it “What this World will remember you for?” 

Creating Your Own Replica

We believe that everyone is in the race of making their own replica that is bearing their own children. People work their face off for their own blood and have no mercy on other’s replica. 

If we keep an eligibility to bear children considering their contribution to human race. What do you think how many people will be eligible ?
You know the answer…….

“Bearing children is purely a custom and it is not mandatory for you to follow it.”

Why all this fuss about 'Own Blood' ????

Shifting from state of dependence to independence is a long and costly process where parents, guardians, relatives and caretakers invest their valuable time and their youth in a child. They sacrifice their present and future behind that child. If they are doing out of love then it’s what they wanted but if no then that child purely is a “Pension Security Plan”. Then it’s a deal. As they took care of the child, now it’s that child’s duty to pay off their dues. 

 Children being Victimized….

If parents are not aware about their purpose in life then what will their children  strive for? They will strive and slog for their aim and goal which is limited to them and from there it gives birth to anxiety, anger and competition. The story does not end here, parents levy their burden of expectation on their children then it becomes even worst because all he/she understands is one rule that is “Survival of the Fittest”….. Believe us this rule is disastrous for everyone.  

Long story short by doing this we all are adding liability to human kind and to mother earth indirectly. 
Be innovative and Please Create… Do not Follow….. 

Listen to me I am always right….

If you know such an individual who claims the he/she is always right. Very first thing you have to do is to be far from him or her. He or she is more dangerous than a virus.

If you follow the footsteps of majority you will end up being like them. If you want to stand  different then you need to do something extra ordinary and to do that you need advise from people who are remarkable in their craft and to gain their advise you need to read books because you won't find them in the market. 


The end of physical existence of human being is death. In real sense death is sudden and unexpected event which is not welcomed by us. Death is totally opposite of Birth. Birth is an occasion to be celebrated and Death is a sorrowful event. 

Why is Death a fearful event for us? 

We take care of ourselves to that extent that we try to abstain ourselves from death. But this is the second and undeniable truth about our life. It is destined and it will come for sure as it has no boundaries and limitations neither it has any sort of certainty. 

Can we defeat Death?

In order to win over death, we tend to consume tones of medicines and to buy those medicines we try to gather maximum wealth. So, we can save ourselves and our lovable ones against death in an emergency situation. Whereas, our longevity depends upon our daily habits. 

Do you plan for your funeral ?  

Of course No !!!!  Who will plan for his/her funeral? Nobody wants to die. Though everyone wants to go to heaven but still no body wants to die for it. Well, after working so hard for survival or after making fortune it doesn’t matter how much it is no one will be willing to leave and go.      

“My friend death is an end of human’s external being and a final stop for continuous needs and greed. It is a permanent full stop to human’s labor, struggle, slogging done to protect and preserve human body.”

We hope this article works as an eye opener to many of you. 
With Love, 
 Himanshu (Your Rabbi) & Pauline.


  1. Nice article. But our son or daughter is not only pension..... But it is a very joyful moment in everybody's life. That is only experience . Experience is the best guru other than any guru in this world. Because we again experience our childhood in the role of our son or daughter. The remaining things are very nice. I liked facts about birth and death. Mother and father are the best wellwisher of everybody. The view may be different.....anyway. The rest is okay again one thing is that if we haven't son or daughter then who will take care of your property?

    1. Dear Mother, I know what I am for you and I am aware that how many hardships you have taken for me. This article is based on what we have experience in our personal and professional life. You are right that experience is the greatest guru but we also learn from observation. This was our attempt to let the world know what you don't have to follow custom of giving birth. It's a pure choice.Thank You for sharing valuable views. We love you.....


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