Life and Business Lessons by Oprah Winfrey

We are thrilled to share the life and business lessons of a superwoman. 

Important Note for YOU 
Please do not miss this article. It teaches us many life changing lessons which has the capacity to transform each one of us. We are sure after reading this article no one will blame their circumstances nor any human being. In fact you will be inspired.

Now, this superwoman we are talking about is a self made billionaire. She is the richest African- American, and greatest black philanthropist, in the history. Former President of US awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. 

Let's tell you some astonishing facts from her previous life. She was conceived by Vernita Lee, an unmarried teenage housemaid. She grew up in desperate poverty. She wore dresses made from potato sacks. She was inevitably bullied for her appearance by her peers. She was molested by relatives, notably a cousin and an uncle, and also by a family friend. Her rise from childhood poverty in rural Mississippi, and her teenage years as a single mother in inner city in Milwaukee, having become at the age of 14, is nothing short of a miracle. 

“Be thankful for what you have, you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

Hello everyone, this article is about Oprah Winfrey. Who is an American media executive, actress, talk show host, television producer, and philanthropist.

Life and Business Lessons.
Economic poverty, however desperate, can be overcome.

Education in the early years is vital to success later in life.

The repercussion (unwelcome event) of physical and emotional abuse will last lifetime.

“The struggle of my life created empathy - I could relate to pain, being abandoned, having people who do not love me.”   

“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody is going to know whether you did it or not.”

The stories of ordinary people can be just as enthralling (fascinating) as those of the famous.

Entertainment and education can go hand in hand. 

“ Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi.” 

Learning should be life-long process.

People in position of power and influence have a moral responsibility to educate the people who look up to them, and to set a positive example. 

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” 

Your professional relationships should be mutually beneficial. 

Even the greatest projects have a natural shelf life.

If you want something to be a success, you have to give if your all.

If you are lucky enough to create a product which people want to buy, be prepared to spin it in different ways.

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”

 There is a no shame in failing: it is a natural part of learning and developing. 

Play to your strengths, and let others play to theirs.

Partnering with an expert in a specific field is the best way to create a quality product.

People don't buy product, they buy emotions. 

 “My highest achievement: never shutting down my heart. Even in my darkest moments- through sexual abuse, a pregnancy at 14 lies and betrayals- I remained faithful, hopeful and willing to see the best in people, regardless of whether they were showing me their worst. I continue to believe that no matter how hard the climb, there is always a way to let a sliver (bit, fragment) of light to illuminate the path forward.”  

With this here, we would like to end this part 1. Tomorrow we will continue with part 2 of this article and learn the remaining lessons of Oprah. We are sure you would have learnt something new from Oprah’s life. Share with your lovable ones help them to grow. 
See you tomorrow with part 2. Take Care. 

With Love,
Rabbi along with the Love of his life.  


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