Story of Mr. Busy and Mr. Productive

Hello everyone, today let us tell you an interesting tale. We met two individuals who were very distinct from each other. One was Mr. Busy and second was Mr. Productive. Let us know more about them and see from whom what we can learn?

Mr. Busy

Mr. Productive

Mr. Busy

Mr. Busy is engrossed in his life in such a manner that he does not have time to look after his daily habits. So, works late in the night, eats junk food on a regular basis, his full attention is always on his phone's notification, he gets up late in the morning, skips his breakfast, conducts meeting while eating food.

Mr. Productive

According to Mr. Productive “Habits of human reflects the kind of human he/she is”. He is also aware of the old saying which states that “The soldier who sweats more in the training, bleeds less in the war”. So he gets up early in the morning to craft on his gifts, he eats mindfully, he uses his phone because he owns the phone, whereas his phone does not own him, he never skips his breakfast as it is a well known fact that it's the important meal of the day. He never opens his mouth while eating as he is aware if we talk while eating, it turns into fat stored in the body.

Mr. Busy 

 Mr. Busy has no rituals matter of fact, he is not aware what is meant by rituals. In fact he works according to his mood swings. All he knows is to rush to work in the morning. 

Mr. Productive


Mr. Productive strongly believes in rituals. He is well verse with the fact that it’s impossible to win the day without having a rich rituals and that makes him stand different from the crowd. His rituals includes mediation, yoga , reading powerful books, helping his lovable ones as he is aware of his responsibility towards his people.

The beautiful thing about him is that he and the love of his life together cooks food with a huge smile on their face. Because his most important rituals is to be happy and not letting the external circumstances destroy his peace of mind.

To do List

Mr. Busy

Every day Mr. Busy makes a to do list and puts 10 things at the same time and the result of it is that he fails to perform and the feeling of guilt revolves around him and he gets no sleep in the night as he is unsatisfied with his performance. 
Ultimately it affects his tomorrow and then day after day it keeps on repeating, which eventually becomes his habit. It feels like he is waiting for some magic to happen. 

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive was taught by his mentor that if you want to complete the given task in an appropriate way, here is the formula “One thing at a one time.”


Mr. Busy

Mr. Busy is full of negativity. He is so unhappy in his life to that extent that he can find out negativity in almost every situation. And his favorite sport is to spread negativity. 

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive’s perception towards life is highly positive. He calls his failures a pure process and happily accepts it and tries to find an action to fix them. He is always ready to serve others. He is aware that anything can be achieved only with the help of team work. 

Love and Hate
Mr. Busy

Mr. Busy works for money. He has no interest in the job he is working. The reason behind hating his work is because when there was a chance to choose what he loved doing, he chose a path which pleased the society and to possess the title of that job by which he was ready to sacrifice his life. 
The result of this, led his life towards misery. The main reason you see him always complaining and cursing people, situations and his own life.   

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive is a rock star at his work because he does what he loves doing. When the time was there to believe in himself or for what he loves, he followed his passion. He has the brave heart to say no to what he hates doing.

The result of this, led his life towards mastery. Mr. Productive’s mentor taught him that each and every individual is a gift to human kind and that’s the reason he has no complains and neither critics’ or enmity towards anyone.

Mr. Busy

Because of Mr. Busy’s negative perception and hate towards life, he always falls sick as he unable to fight mentally and he made his mind that its only the medicine that can cure him. So in order to treat himself he needs to be on medications. 

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive is aware that whatever happens, it happens from within. He has the power to control his emotions which can lead to stress and eventually to disease. Therefore, he will never let anyone or anything affect his inner peace of mind. Outside is just a reflection of internal happenings. So, he makes his earnest efforts to be happy and the only medicine is his “Gratitude”, towards life, people and circumstance.

Money and Material Possession  
Mr. Busy

Mr. Busy is always in need of money because he is materialistic and he is putting all his labor in buying stuff which he does not need. Guess what, he is buying all these possessions to show those people to whom he hates.

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive is minimalist and his work makes a huge impact on others as he has the magic to work with people in a charismatic way. He drives himself in his craft and he takes a step back when needed to work on himself and to find out the gifts and talent he possess and the result of it, makes him wealthier and healthier.

Mr. Busy

 Mr. Busy always runs out of time and the result of that he has no time for himself and his lovable ones. Ultimately, his connections with his people gradually weakens. 

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive believes that time is one of the most valuable asset human possess. So, he utilizes his time wisely. He enjoys his time with his people without distraction. He takes a walk with the love of his life to grow their lovely bond stronger in order to make a happy living.

Mr. Busy

According to Mr. Busy the definition of life is struggle and slogging.

Mr. Productive

As per Mr. Productive life is a beautiful gift of God.

Mr. Busy

Mr. Busy lives his life on the Mantra that is “ASAP” everything he wants as early as possible and success too is no exception . So this leads him to be impatient in life.

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive understood the story which we all know that is “Race of Rabbit and Tortoise” he is very well wired the moral of the story that is “slow and steady wins the race.” Whatever does he gives his 100 % every single day because he is aware of the beauty of patience.

Mr. Busy

Mr. Busy uses technology to be busy and get distracted.

Mr. Productive

Mr. Productive uses technology as medium to create something productive and worth.
Dear Friends, it’s your choice to be busy or productive.

“Rather than being busy be self driven, focused and work hard to be productive and effective.” 

Let us tell you why people love to portray themselves busy?


Everyone loves to seek attention though it is a toddler or older human. To grab the attention and to get recognized by society and parents. People tend to show themselves busy. Now for them it’s a batch of “Pride” they put it on their shoulder and it became the most unbreakable part of their life as it gives them sense of importance. 

If you want to be productive do this:-
Grow 1 % every single day

 Be patient with your craft, take a small step but take that step every single day. 

One project this Year

Each one of us has desire to grow faster. Who doesn’t?  But putting everything together you are not going to complete a single task. So work on only one project this year and drive yourself in totally. Let not a single stone be unturned.

Say “NO”  

Time is valuable asset than any kind of asset in the world and it’s up to you to whom you grant that leverage to take your valuable time. We recently realized that “Poor and middle class people have friends and wealthy people have contacts.”

Invest in yourself 

In order upgrade yourself invest in learning through reading if you don’t have time to read then audio book is the good option for you. Learn from watching YouTube videos or any medium with whom you are comfortable.

Please upgrade yourself every single day. “The most precious thing in the world is wisdom.” Only people who chose education (self-awareness) over entertainment will play the long game.

Actions Lauder than mouth  

Majority of us are victims of bollyhood movies where their mouth is much more ahead of their actions and more focus is on dialogues.  Please do not jump into the discussion with one or more other bollywood victims about your future plans and what great you are going to do in your life. Honestly nobody is interested in knowing your goals and dream without hidden motto.

We hope you would have understood how important it is to be productive or else it will cost you life.

Thank You.
Himanshu Pauline. 


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