Relationship with yourself

                                                             Relationship with yourself

What does Relationship mean? 
Let us break this word into two parts. First “Relation” means humans who are related to or connected with one another, it may be by bloodline, relations through maternal or paternal, by marriage, or relations which are created by you with your own wish.

Second “Ship” means a large boat for transporting people or goods on water bodies. By this what we can interpret is that the term relationship is that baggage of people you carry only because they are related to you with or without choice.

The truth about true relationship

The fact about true relationship is you might be having many relationships with people but very few are connected to you, because these few relationships connected with you are the only people who wish for your betterment.

This article deals with “Relationship with yourself” because we believe that without having healthy relationship with yourself you cannot share any kind of bond with anyone that might be your relationship with parents, partner, children, relatives or the world you live in.

“Knowing yourself is the first and foremost level of understanding and awareness about your own-self, where you  begin to crawl towards the best version of yourself.”

“Relationship with yourself means you have to be there for yourself, it might be physically, psychologically, mentally. You are the only one who will give another chance to yourself to be better at something without judging your past mistakes.”

Inclusive definition of Self-Relationship  

There are many that includes under the head of self relationship and those are
·       Self Love, Care and Compassion 
·       Self Talk
·       Self Cure
·       Self Respect
·       Self Space
    According to Julie Hanks “A healthy relationship is the ability to value yourself as a person, and embrace your strength and weakness”. 

What will stop you meeting yourself ? 

Before knowing to grow the relationship with yourself, let us learn about what stops us from having a great relationship with ourselves. 

    Entangle and poisonous relationships 

The mere truth about the entangle and poisonous relationships is you have to end it as early as possible because it’s now or never or you will be so busy with criticism and handling these broken relationships which are based on terms and conditions.  

Pleasing the always unsatisfied world 

“Do not forget to serve yourself before serving others, or else your serving will turn into regret.”

The word 'World' includes everyone, your loved ones and the rest of the 
society.Whatever you do for them they will always be unsatisfied. 
Let us give an example, do you think you can please a pampered and stubborn
child? Of course NO NEVER..... because he/ she is into continuous 'expectation' 

When you want to be like someone 

Since childhood we are wired and trained to be like someone. Majority of us are brought up to be like someone. May be majority of us are fearful of change and frighten to get defeated. We are not sure how much time we humans are going to take to understand that we all are differently unique.

Principles to have great relationship with yourself

 If you want to have a great relationship with yourself here are some simple but influential principles:-

    Start your day with morning prayer:- 

When you get up in the morning, get up with a great smile on your face because smile makes you attractive, it relives the stress, boosts your immune system, lowers your blood pressure. Then read your morning prayer.
Let us share our morning prayer with you.

“We are blessed. We are strong. We are talented. We are disciplined. We are clean, our home is clean. We are focused. We are best in our every relationship. We are beautifully and wonderfully made to make an impact of the world we live in. We speak less, we speak productive. Our time is valuable and we want to invest in positive things.”
Make your own morning prayer and it will act as a reminder for your purpose.



 It can be anything yoga, running, exercise or anything you are comfortable with.
As the old warrior mantra says “ the soldier who sweats more in the training bleeds less in the war”.  

Free yourself from entangled and unnecessary baggage:-

That might be your regrets, your hatred towards you, blaming yourself for the past mistakes, comparing yourself with someone. If you won’t drop this baggage behind this will cause you mental and physical illness which might convert into a major disease. 

    Inculcate healthy habits in you:- 

For example sleeping early and waking up early. Proper intake of food. Drinking plenty of water. Keeping your phone away from you an hour prior before going to bed.
    Learn something new:- 
   “If you want to start something new then first start with you”.   
      Learning can be anything for an example reading a book. Learning new languages, music anything but learn new skills. If you stop learning, you will stop growing. 

   Chose right peer group:-

It simple logic “People who do not let you grow let them go”.

Work on your craft everyday:- 
Your craft can be writing, dancing, drawing, playing. By doing what you love it will give an immense happiness and if you show little patience towards it will turn into a blessing for you.
All you need is time to follow the above mentioned principles which may help you get a revolutionary change in your current life.

Self-relationship = Self- realization = knowing yourself

Let me remind you that you are a human being and that is a gift to human kind and if you cease to identify the gifts and talents you possess, mankind will lose one of its heroes and you will never meet the best version of yourself.  


  1. Khupach sunder. Educationchya researchwar depend ahe. Amchya syllabus madhe
    ahe.understanding selfmadhe. Ase watat ahe ki khup motya person ne lihilele ahe. Abhinandan asech lihit raha...

    1. My Dear Mother , Thank you so much for your encouraging words its all you I have learnt from and I am fortunate enough to have warrior mother like you. I love you so much.

  2. Congratulations, it's really inspiring an article. Everyone has to follow. It's gives more dimensions to our life. It's needs to introspect. You have focused on values with us, needs to use it. Great congratulations & all the best. Regards, Arvind More.

    1. My Dear Father, It's you who started writing articles at our home. I am trying to follow to your footsteps. Thank you for dedicating your valuable time. I humbly appreciate it.

  3. Its very nice article everyone should follow this it shows right way to our life. Sopan

    1. Very nice article himanshu Sir

    2. Dear Sopan, thank you for reading the article. As a teacher I am trying my best to give maximum and create more values to your life so you can live better life. Take Care.

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  5. Very cool,inspiring and motivating blog

  6. Very nice and inspiring blog himanshu sir

    1. Thank You. Pleased to know that my blogs are inspiring you and the world.


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