Life and Death only truths about your life.
Birth and Death are the only two truths about YOU. We would say it is a journey you begin from one end to another. Birth and Humans Human birth is considered as a blessing and from there starts beauty and misery. Once a human is born it needs identity, status and the list of wants which are never ending until it ends in itself. The human which is born tries to fit in some profile set by the world that includes attending school, perusing higher education, hunting down jobs, searching for a suitable partner, building massive mansions and so on. In short everyone wants “THE LIFE” nobody wants to settle for less neither any kind of ordinary life. Now give a thought on those attributes we have mentioned above that is Education, Job, Partner and Mansion is that enough to make your life, THE LIFE ? How do YOU make your living? We all are expected to earn our livings. Well! We would say we all have to make money as we are supposed to ...