
Where are you from? The most frequent question you come across. The answer to this question is your home land. There, where your home is. Where you feel blissful, while answering this question, because the stranger who asked you this question has just reminded you of your sweet home and all those beautiful memories attached to it.

But what is home in a real sense ? If you ask a layman he/she will tell you the most common definition of home that is “ Place where we stay” Is that it ? Is it only limited to just living ? 

Home for Us 

Home is that peaceful jurisdiction where you feel safe, secure, comfortable and  relaxed. It is a place where you sleep, enjoy with your friends, family, pets and neighbors . Home is that place where happiness and solutions for your sorrows both exists. 

Different People and their Diverse Perception towards Home

Freedom Fighters and Social Reformers 

Let’s consider those individuals who had a broader view towards “Home”. Our freedom fighters and social reformers. For them home was their country, their land. For it, they have contributed their life by struggling for freedom and for a piece of a land to call it as their home. The result of it today, we can build our cocoons in the country for which they have sacrificed their life for.

Home for an Architectures and Engineers

Your home for them is one of their projects. Just a designed plan or layout as a part of their work. A structure which will be used as a dwelling place. A building that functions for shelter. Not more than that. 

 Home for Laborers  

For them your home is mere a building and to built it they are going to get paid. In simple words it is a medium for their daily wages. 

Home for Neighbors

For them it is just a simple home next to their sweet home.

Home for Travelers

Travelers are those people who do not have a permanent residence or address. For them the whole world is home. They treat mother earth as their home.They carry their homes within them, wherever they go that place becomes their home. 

Home for You

For you, your home is that sweet residence where you have dreamed, planned & toiled yourself and have gone to the extra miles to make it a reality.

Value of Home

When we say value of home well, we are not talking about the market cost of a home. To know the real worth of a home ask the following individuals.

  • Who does not have a place to stay or does not hold any place to live.
  • Students who are far from their homes to study.
  • Who is cheated by the builders and did not get the possession against his/her hard earned money.
  • Who gets transferred from his/her homeland to another unknown place because of employment.
  • Youngster who had to move because of his/her parents employment and to leave behind his/her love behind with a promise to come back where they call it a home.
  • A girl who gets married and has to leave her parents home, where she has spent her maximum life.
  • Who lives in slums and underdeveloped countries where they do not own any land by themselves and they are in the constant fear to be thrown out and has no place to call it as home.
These people will tell you what’s the real meaning and importance of home.  

Our Ultimate Home 

Have you booked your ultimate home where you will rest in peace? We mean the place, where you will settle after your death. How much it costs? How much is the EMI you are going to pay every month? What amenities you have there? Does it have a balcony? Beautiful view? Is it spacious?  Do you have your privacy there? Do you need to pay extra for parking space?

It is obvious that we do not plan for our death as nobody wants to die, especially not before 100 years. But the fact is we all die with nothing. The truth is a millionaire gets buried or burnt next to or on the same place where a common man does. 

The only difference will be of burial and kind of people who will visit their funeral.What we want you to understand is that we just make a big fuss about our home while we are alive but the fact is we die with nothing. 

 An Ideal and Complete Home 

Generally, an ideal home is that home which includes all the essential requirements such as well planned structure, furniture, house appliances, vehicles, beautiful garden and many more. These all things might satisfy the definition of an ideal home but can we call it as a complete home ?
We believe that the definition of an ideal home is limited to dwelling. When it comes to a complete home it is divided into two parts 1st is non-living home and second is living home.

A structure becomes a non-living home when it is limited to four walls and roof, when someone from that home is waiting for his/her parents or spouse to die in order to acquire that property. When people who reside in that structure, ready to break that beautiful bond with their siblings. When a structure is made with the intention to dominate others around. When it is considered as a status symbol. In those cases that home ceases to gain life and it turns into non-living home.

On the other hand a structure becomes living home when you have a healthy relationships with your loved ones. Where there is love, care, compassion, no judgments, genuine concern for people residing within those four walls and that home we call it as a complete home.

It means it becomes complete with each and everyone’s contribution, in simple words, we build our sweet home every single day with the help of healthy relationships with our loved ones.     


To conclude we strongly believe that home is that place where you enjoy your ultimate freedom, where you embrace minimalism and do not give importance to material possession but to the people who reside within those four walls.

Here we have a wonderful solution for you to make your home a living home. Make a prayer for your home and stick it in everyone’s room where every member of the family can see first thing in the morning. Let us share our prayer with you. 

“ Our home is a holy place for us. It is a place where we respect and cherish our relationships with one another. It is a place where only love and happiness reside and we will not violate or dilute the aura of our home by getting the negativity of the world inside our home. There is no place for hate, fights, quarrels or anything which will destroy the peace of home”.

This is our prayer. Make your own prayer and write in a comment, let us know whether it helped you to bring peace for you and at your home.

Happy Living ......


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